Ariya Chinthashrama USA, Inc.

Richmond, Virginia 23235

Ariya Chinthashrama USA

Ariya Chinthashrama USA INC is a tax-exempt charitable religious organization registered in the states of Virginia and North Carolina, United States of America. The Pali-Sanskrit name Ariya Chinthashrama can generally be translated to English as “the refuge for super mundane mindfulness.” The name also describes the goal of the organization where the establishment of a meditation center that facilitate the practice of meditation and mindfulness to anyone interested in understanding Lord Buddha’s teachings (Buddha Dhamma). A 16-acre land in Alton, Virginia, USA has already been purchased and dedicated for this purpose by a patron family to support this noble cause. We plan to develop this land to a full-pledged temple and meditation center over the next five-to-ten-year period. To serve immediate needs of the community, we have purchased a property in Reidsville, North Carolina with a building that has a 2400 square feet worship/meditation hall, rooms to accommodate resident monks, a 2000 square feet fellowship hall that includes a kitchen and a dining hall, and restroom facilities for men and women. We are in the process of renovating this property to begin Dhamma and meditation programs in early 2024.

Ariya Chinthashrama USA is classified as an organization providing religious services. We do not believe in charging fees for our Dhamma services, and therefore, all services are provided free of charge. Participants may make voluntary contributions if they wish. All donations are tax deductible under the US Code of Federal Regulation sections 501(c)(3) and 170(b)(1)(A)(i) governing tax-exempt organizations.


The vision of the Ariya Chinthashrama USA is to be the premier organization in the United States of America to provide guidance in practicing core teachings of the Lord Buddha as outlined in the Pali Canon. The Buddhist monks providing guidance at the Ariya Chinthashrama USA Meditation Center will be scholars who fully understood the fundamental teachings of the Lord Buddha, the Four Noble Truths and concepts of Anichcha, Dukkha, and Anaththa. Therefore, the teachers at the Ariya Chinthashrama USA will have entered the path to enlightenment and are fully qualified to be teachers of Dhamma (core principles) as prescribed by the Lord Buddha. We envision that the participants of our Dhamma programs will learn to practice these meditation techniques to lead happy and stress-free lives.


The mission of the Ariya Chinthashrama USA is to provide guidance in theory and practice of pure Buddha Dhamma. The meditation center will present the participants with an opportunity to understand Lord Buddha’s teachings through presentations and discussions conducted in person and online. The meditation sessions designed to establish participants in the practice of Eight-Fold Noble Path will be conducted by experienced teachers. This process is known as Vipassana or insight meditation. Insight meditation creates harmony, tranquility, and peace within the practitioner to provide relief from stress, anxiety, anguish, and suffering resulting from external causes. This healing process is aimed to equip the practitioners with tools and techniques essential to find happiness and bliss within, independent of external factors. Dhamma discussions and meditation sessions provided by Ariya Chinthashrama USA will be open to anyone interested without any restrictions.

1. Strategic planning

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2. 360 solutions

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3 . vision creation

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Proposed Project
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